
Blog Post

imgSaatvick Saxena

Why is Space exploration as important as solving Global issues?

One may ask ” With climate change, economic insecurity, and viral pandemics stressing the world’s resources, why spend all this money on space?” It is about time we consider space exploration as an important factor for the development and sustainability of our civilisation and acknowledge all its benefits. Without Space exploration there would have been no development of various technologies that feed back into the economy and improve our lives on Earth. Without space programs, we wouldn't have GPS, accurate weather prediction or the internet. Our population stands at 8 billion, which is a lot. And are all crammed together on one planet. If something were to happen to Earth, our species could be wiped out. Colonising other bodies in the solar system (or building our own orbiting habitats) is a way to create a “backup” of humanity that will survive no matter what happens to Earth. As the population continues to grow, the strain on our natural resources continues to increase. There’s a wealth of precious materials in space. The extraction of these valuable minerals can be. Converted into resources. Space is fascinating and there is so much to learn about and discover. Almost everyone has looked deep into the sky admiring the mysterious yet beautiful view of something we haven’t understood yet. Lots of questions arise to ones mind, and as a human we have the tendency to find the answer. Exploring space is an opportunity to not only discover new worlds and build advanced technologies, but to work together toward a larger goal irrespective of nationality, race, or gender. It binds us all.